
Short Film
Ruben van Leer, CTM Pictures
Technical Development,
Particle Animation

Symmetry movie Website

Symmetry is a film directed by Ruben van Leer and Produced by CTM Pictures.
The movie is now showing at different festivals and will be available online sometime in the future. The trailer, shows none of my work and the request is to not show any animation from the film. Therefor I can only show limited examples of my work.

Un-used Galaxy Animation

The main work on the movie was for a scene near the end of the film where human bodies dissolve into a giant star field, which in turn collapses into a twirling galaxy and a zoom out towards the edge of the universe. The main scene consist of many different particle simulation and rendering layers and involved difficult intergration with the real-life recording. For the zoom out effect I create several, less complex, galaxies that could be used in an endless field of galaxies. Unfortunatly the scene was cut short in the editing and these elementes weren’t necessary any more.

movie stills

Particle Head Movement

Part of the job was work to with a new technique that combines point cloud data, captured with Kinect camera’s, with the particle simulation. The intention was to intergrate long dance sequences with animation of galaxies and atomic visualisations. This resulted in many small animation which can be seen on the computer screens and few close-ups.
Here you see a scene were I tested the animation of the particles with the movement of a head looking around. A very difficult process, because no movement data was recorded and had to be calculated through the particle simulation.